Çankaya University, taking its name from Çankaya, where the Great Leader founded the future of the country, started education by the Sıtkı Alp Education Foundation with the Law No. 4282 dated 09.07.1997, which was added to the Law on the Amendment and Adoption of the Decree Law No. 41 on the Organization of Higher Education Institutions.
Sıtkı Alp, who devoted his life to education, founded Arı Dershane and Arı Schools, and educated thousands of students in the light of Atatürk’s principles and the values of the Republic, set out with the dream that young people would receive a high level of scientific, artistic and cultural education in a university with the same values as a continuation of his educational move, and brought Çankaya University to Turkish higher education.
Çankaya University, which is based on the goal of quality higher education at world standards, has 100% English as its medium of instruction. (Turkish education is provided in Vocational School of Justice, Faculty of Law and Public Relations and Advertising Departments).
Çankaya University provides undergraduate and graduate education in 5 faculties, 24 departments, 2 vocational schools with 4 programs and two institutes.
The Central Campus, located at Eskişehir Road, 29th km, houses the Faculties of Arts and Sciences, Law, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Architecture and Engineering, and the Vocational Schools of Justice and Çankaya.